The Project
I collaborated with a group of 3 people to come up with a useful app for both vendors and customers of the Fulton Street Farmers Market.The app is an easy way for customers to connect with vendors. Features would include public vendor profiles to see who is at the market that day and what is in season. vendors have the option to update basic profile information as well at what they sell. Customers can add certain vendors they like to a favorites list to get updates about them. They can search by either vendor or a specific product to see what is available that day or week.
The Process
My group was given limited branding and a topic of the Fulton Street Farmers Market. Our goal was to design and prototype an app that would be useful for sales within the market. We started out by identifying the different demographics of people that would use this app and planning all features and functionality around their needs and technological experience. We even storyboarded a scenario in which a certain persona would use the app. After interviewing and brainstorming we moved onto site maps and basic wireframes. Several iteration were developed which then turned into designs. Making the user experience across all devices similar, easy to navigate, and understand for all demographics was the next challenge. We did user testing, had several changes in design, and much collaboration during this process. All branding, functionality, and design aspects were planned out to be very similar across all devices. After the designs were finalized we created a prototype in JustinMind, and made a promotional video to demonstrate how the app would work in a certain scenario.
Promotional Video